Today a man named Francisco gave a speach about the war. He talked about his experiences in the war and the most tramatauzing events that he saw. As the class, we asked him questions about how he felt about enterinig the army. He also talked about how to view life and stuff like that. His thoughts were very helpful to me. I thought that yhe didn't not tell the truth on some subjects. Either, he is not telling us the truth or he doesn't know ythe truth himself. The war in Iraq occurred, bacause the USA wanted the oil from Iraq so that poeple in the USA could have enough gas to still drive their SUV's. I did not want to bring it up, because I might have upset him. Basically the US Army lied to the soldiers. Plus, I think he is sort of a patriot himself, so I didn't want to get him going. I don't understand how a man so easy going as he is, not know the real truth about the Iraq war. Saying that, it would interesting to hear some of his other stories that he has.
Essay France Interwar
Hace 13 años
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